
Chronology Before Civil War

February 12, 1809 – Abraham Lincoln born in Hardin County, Kentucky.
October 5, 1818 – Lincoln’s mother Nancy dies.
December 2, 1819 – Lincoln’s father, Thomas, remarries to widow Sarah Bush Johnston.
1831 – Settles in New Salem, Illinois.
1832 – Serves in the Black Hawk War, elected militia captain.
August 6, 1832 – Defeated in race for Illinois House of Representatives.
August 4, 1834 – Wins first of four races for Illinois House of Representatives.
September 9, 1836 – Admitted to the practice of law.
November-December, 1839 – First debates with Stephen A. Douglas (December).
November 4, 1842 – Marries Mary Todd at age 33.
1844 – Begins legal partnership with William H. Herndon, which continues until Lincoln’s assassination.
August 3,1846 – Elected to Congress over Democrat Peter Cartwright.
1847-1849 – Serves in Congress. Votes repeatedly for Wilmot Proviso, prohibiting slavery in new territories acquired from Mexico.
1849 – Returns to Springfield and the practice of law.
January 17, 1851 – Lincoln’s father Thomas dies.
1854 – Campaigns against Kansas-Nebraska legislation and debates Senator Stephen A. Douglas.
February 1855 – Loses state legislative vote for U.S. Senate.
June 19, 1856 – Loses Republican nomination for Vice President.
June 26, 1857 – Delivers speech against Dred Scott decision.
June 16, 1858 – Nominated by Illinois Republicans for U.S. Senate seat occupied by Senator Stephen A. Douglas; Lincoln delivers “House Divided” speech.
August-October 1858 – Lincoln and Douglas debate. Narrowly loses Senate election to Douglas.
February 27, 1860 – Delivers Cooper Union Address.
May 18, 1860 – Nominated for president by Republican National Convention meeting in Chicago.
November 6, 1860 – Elected president.
March 4, 1861 – Inaugurated president.
April 12, 1861 – Civil War begins.